Forum Rules and Moderation Strategy
The European HIV and Mental Health Platform is a place to share policies and good practices in providing mental health and psychosocial services to people living with and vulnerable to HIV.
In particular, the Platform’s Forum provides an opportunity to discuss these and other relevant topics, including the recommendations arising from EATG’s work in HIV and mental health, and to support the development of the first European Conference on HIV and Mental Health (tentatively scheduled for early 2024).
Please note that discussions on the Forum are not intended to provide individual support on mental health issues. If you are in need of such assistance, please contact your local or national HIV and/or mental health providers.
Code of conduct on the Forum
NOTE: This Code and its moderation is based on EATG’s Code of Conduct.
The Forum is a space for open discussion and debate on HIV and mental health, conducted in as constructive and friendly way as possible. To that end, here is some advice (and a few actual rules) so that all who post on the Forum feel free to speak up and engage actively.
Be focused. The Forum is for messages that will benefit, educate or inform members on HIV and mental health. Please only post on topics relevant to HIV and mental health.
Be kind. Let others have their say, just as you want yours.
Be tactful when discussing something you know is contentious. It's helpful to assume that other members mean well, even if they may get heated.
Be patient. Please remember that for most of us, English is not our first language. It's easy to get a word or tone wrong and irony or sarcasm may not translate well.
Be civil and respectful when challenging or disagreeing with others. Some of us may be used to being quite forceful and direct. Please remember that the other person is not an enemy; you don't have to use extreme language.
Be polite and thoughtful. Don’t post anything defamatory, abusive, threatening or otherwise intentionally offensive. If you think a member is being offensive or causing your concern, you can politely say so; if they carry on regardless, you can refer posts to the Forum Moderator.
Forum Moderation
EATG reserves the right to moderate posts on the Forum and to even stop a member from posting.
If anyone finds a post that they believe offends against the above Code of Conduct, they can refer that post to the Forum Moderator.
The Forum Moderator will first decide if, in their consideration, there is a genuine problem of conduct with the post(s) in question. If the Moderator thinks there is, the first remedy will be to speak with the person posting and discuss it with them. Only in extreme situations (e.g. where a person persists in using violent or aggressive language, or in making unfounded accusations or using offensive terminology after a first warning by the Moderator), the Moderator will move immediately to stop the person concerned from being able to post further until the situation is resolved. The poster may, if appropriate, be asked if they are willing to post a correction if something was untrue or inaccurate, or simply asked to consider using less aggressive language in future. It is expected that this will be the response to most posts which are problematic. The Moderator will keep a log of complaints and of their actions in response.
Where a disagreement has escalated online involving two people, the Moderator may ask both parties to resolve the conflict privately. Where several posters have become part of a heated argument, the Moderator may ask for the discussion to be taken down a notch or two.
Examples of posts that could lead to conduct complaints and moderation include posts containing personal insults or attacks; sexist, racist, ageist, homophobic, transphobic, or disablist posts; posts that are intolerant of others’ beliefs/religions; posts that are not relevant to HIV and mental health.
Using the Forum for research purposes is not permitted unless you are a member and have explicitly been granted permission by the Moderator.
Termination of Platform membership
EATG reserves the right to terminate anyone’s Platform membership.
By using the European HIV and Mental Health Platform, including the Forum, you agree that you are bound by our disclaimer and terms of service.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless this Platform, and EATG as its owner.
You agree not to post any material which is false, abusive, harassing, obscene, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.
(Updated: March 2023)